The Aged Care Code of Conduct

About the Aged Care Code of Conduct

This Aged Care Code of Conduct (Code of Conduct) explains the standards of behaviour you must follow when providing services to residential aged care and home care (consumer)s.1

1 This Aged Care Code of Conduct incorporates the requirements of the Australian Aged Care and Safety Commission Code of Conduct {Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Rules 2018 (Commission Rules)} for aged care and the providers own set of behavioural standards and requirements for the workforce.

2 Under the Commission Rules, visiting medical practitioners, pharmacists, allied health professionals not engaged by the approved provider and trades people who perform work that is not under the control of the approved provider are not covered by the Code of Conduct.

Who does the Code of Conduct apply to?
This Code of Conduct is designed to meet legal requirements that apply to the following services:

  • residential aged care providers
  • home care providers, and
  • flexible aged service providers

If you are one of the following persons, this Code of Conduct applies to you:

  • an approved provider of aged care
  • governing person of approved providers
  • key personnel, and
  • aged care workers2 (employees, contractors, subcontractors, students and volunteers or any another person employed or engaged by (Organisation).

When does the Code of Conduct apply?
The Code of Conduct applies when you are providing care, supports and services to (consumer)s but may also apply to your conduct outside of work, e.g., where your conduct is serious and involves a (consumer).

What may happen if a person breaches the Code of Conduct?
A suspected or actual breach of the Code of Conduct will result in a review of your performance and an investigation and, may also result in action by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, where they become aware of a potential breach.

For less serious breaches of the regulated requirements of this Code of Conduct (Points 1-9, below), training and education, warnings and directions may be used by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. Where a significant or severe breach has occurred, you may be required to pay civil penalties (money payable to the Government) or be banned from working in aged care. You are required to read and sign the Code of Conduct. about this Code of Conduct before signing, where you are unclear on any of the following requirements.

Aged Care Code of Conduct
When providing care, supports and services to (consumer)s I must:3

1. Act with respect for individual (consumer)s’ rights to freedom of expression, self- determination and decision-making, in accordance with applicable laws and conventions.

2. Act in a way that treats (consumer)s with dignity and respect and values their diversity.

3. Act with respect for the privacy of people (consumer)s.

4. Provide care, supports and services in a safe and competent manner, with care and skill.

5. Act with integrity, honesty and transparency.

6. Promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that may impact the quality and safety of care, supports and services provided to all (consumer)s.

7. Provide care, supports and services free from:

• all forms of violence, discrimination, exploitation, neglect and abuse; and

• sexual misconduct.

8. Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to:

• all forms of violence, discrimination, exploitation, neglect and abuse; and

• sexual misconduct, against (consumer)s.

I must also:

• Have a positive approach to work.

• Have a positive and cooperative attitude towards (consumer)s, carers, representatives, visitors, the workforce and others in the workplace.

• Have a kind and caring attitude.

• Maintain current knowledge and practice of my role.

• Demonstrate (Organisation)’s values in my work.

• Be willing to learn and improve my performance.

• Respect the (consumer)’s home and items in the home.

• Promptly declare all conflicts of interest to the person I report to.

• Maintain professional boundaries at all times.



1 This Aged Care Code of Conduct incorporates the requirements of the Australian Aged Care and Safety Commission Code of Conduct {Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Rules 2018 (Commission Rules)} for aged care and the providers own set of behavioural standards and requirements for the workforce.

2 Under the Commission Rules, visiting medical practitioners, pharmacists, allied health professionals not engaged by the approved provider and trades people who perform work that is not under the control of the approved provider are not covered by the Code of Conduct.  3Requirements of the Australian Aged Care and Safety Commission Code of Conduct {Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Rules 2018 (Commission Rules)} for aged care. 4 Additional Code of Conduct requirements of (Organisation).